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It's Time To Take Care of YOU!

Give us just 30 days and we'll help you drop fat off your body and put you on the fastest track to being toned, healthy and happy! Quickly, safely and naturally, without diets, drugs or gimmicks! These clients did it, and now it's your turn!

Register here for your FREE Healthy Living Guide & Body Transformation Consultation:

We respect your privacy. Your information will never be shared or sold. We hate spam too!

Hi & Welcome!


We’re really glad you're here and want to encourage you to complete the form on this page for your 2 free,   no obligation gifts that put you on the fastest track to your new, best body ever.


Here's what this is all about…


We've developed a 30 day rapid fat loss programme that's unlike anything you've ever tried in the past. And it's guaranteed to work for you. There's no dieting, no drugs and no gimmicks. Because that stuff doesn't work (and can damage your body).


Our 30 day program is a combination of these elements:


  • Nutritional guidance and meal planning

  • Vegan, plant based supplements to help detox, aid digestion, boost immune system and deliver complete nutrients to body

  • And the magic of coaching and accountability from health & well being experts with an unmatched track record of success


Yes, the coaching and accountability are second to none! In fact, if you've struggled in the past to lose weight and get your body looking the way you want it to, the #1 reason for that is lack of effective coaching and accountability.


Simply put, there is no substitute for external motivation and personalised coaching from a real expert who's gotten see-it-in-the-mirror results for other clients just like you. It's the biggest secret to success.


Just give us the chance and we'll prove that to you (you'll be amazed by the results).


The entire program is just 30 days, that melt fat off your body and put you on the fastest track to being toned, healthy & happy.


When you complete the form on this page, we'll get in touch with you to schedule a time for your complimentary consultation and to get started. Your first session is FREE, and there's no obligation.


If you love it, stick with us for 30 days that will change your body and your life. If not, we part friends with no hard feelings.

It's that simple.


Who This Is For


This special programme is designed specifically for people who want to lose up to 10 pounds (or more) in 30 days, quickly, safely and naturally… and are ready to fully commit themselves to our proven programme.


Because now it's time to take care of you!


Requesting your 2 free gifts does not obligate you to purchase anything. They're our gift to you, no strings attached.


Look, you've read this far for a want your best body as quickly and certainly as possible. And that's what we're promising you. Just take the first step by completing the form on this page right now. 


So now there's just one question... "Are you worth it?" Are your body, health, fitness and how you feel about yourself worth it? That’s the bottom line. If you're worth it, then complete the form right now.


We look forward to meeting you and getting you the body you've always wanted.


To your health and wellbeing,


The Health Bug Team!

What You Can Expect


Lose more fat and inches faster than anything else you can do. Period.

• Get fit and toned so you look great in your clothes, your bathing suit and your birthday suit.

• Get FAST body transforming results with high level of accountability, combined with our proven 30 Day Programme, the results come quickly

• Discover simple ways to make the right eating choices at home and when eating out (without dieting).

• Cut exercise time in half - you'll be shocked by how effective the right kind of exercise really is!

• Get and keep your ideal weight... FOR LIFE!

• Dramatically decrease stress - stress kills your enthusiasm, your energy and harms your immune system.

• Lose fat in those annoying trouble spots - jiggly tush, thighs and arms, cellulite, a tummy you just want to hide? Gone, gone, gone and gone!

• Have 3-4 times more energy (literally 300% to 400% increase in energy). Imagine how that makes you feel and perform!

• Fire up your metabolism and burn fat 24 hrs a day.

• Get those 'looks' again from your spouse (and even complete strangers).

More confidence - nothing makes you feel better about YOU than being fit, toned and looking terrific!

Register here for your FREE Healthy Living Guide and Body Transformation Consultation:

We respect your privacy. Your information will never be shared or sold. We hate spam too!

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